PUBG Mobile Season 14 leaks

Pubg mobile beta update 0.19.0 is out now. Pubg mobile introduced a new map in beta version update 0.19.0 it is expected that pubg mobile might launch this map in the 14th July update.

The details of season 14 are already out, the upcoming season will be titled as Spark The Frame. Many new and exciting tier up rewards, royal pass rewards, and many other gun skins of season 14 have been leaked. It is confirmed that season 13 will end on 12th July 2020 so we can expect that season 14 will arrive on 14th July 2020. 

Here are some leak images of the upcoming season 14-:
*Gold Tier Reward

*Platinum Tier Reward

*Diamond Tier Reward

*Ace Tier Reward

*Royal Pass Reward

*Royal Pass 100RP Outfit

*Other Royal Pass Rewards

*Lucky Spin Upgradeable Guns Skin

*Diamond Plated Awm Skin

*M24 Skin

*PUBG mobile also introduces a new character named PHAROAH.

*PHAROAH Mythic Outfit

*UAZ New Skin

PUBG Mobile Season 14 leaks PUBG Mobile Season 14 leaks Reviewed by Rahul Basodiya on May 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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